I am knowable

I wish I could explain to you how the beauty of this world is a sign of something greater deeper and holy. I wish I could tell you the world of my heart and how the blood is more then just flowing pumping and bubbling through this body. I wish I could let you in [...]

2019-10-05T16:57:57-08:00March 15th, 2016|LIOS, Poetry|

Learning to Love

  As an athlete I learned that anticipation was vital. And I was good at it. But somewhere along the way I just stopped. Somewhere in High School I think,. I just moved on to Theatre. In Theatre I learned that enunciation was vital. And I was good at it. But somewhere along the way [...]

2019-10-05T16:57:57-08:00February 17th, 2016|Poetry|


When I was a kid I remember messing up real bad and since my dad had just become a Christian he told me that I should go to my room and pray to God. So with tears in my eyes I went to my room, into my closet and in the darkness I knelt down [...]

2019-10-05T16:57:58-08:00January 7th, 2016|Poetry|

Pilgrim, Saint, Sun, Earth

Source: Flammarion Woodcut   When I was 21 I took a pilgrimage I walked 100 miles through northern Spain to see the remains of a Saint But when I got there my name was not read aloud in the sanctuary along with all the other pilgrims It must not have been written down The [...]

2019-10-05T16:57:58-08:00December 31st, 2015|Poetry|

A young man named Pan

Source: Sharon Kopriva, Riding the Pisces Moon   A young man named Pan who was from an unpopular part of the country was taking part in a class which was prone to very heated debates. For the most part Pan remained silent but when he did speak his questions were for the sake of [...]

2019-10-05T16:57:58-08:00May 14th, 2015|Poetry|