Church, Membership, & Heart of Gold The following is a letter I wrote to the church I was a member of when I was trying to take my membership seriously. It was September 14th 2009. I was 23 at the time and had just started my junior year in college. I became a member of this church when I [...]

2016-06-22T22:12:08-08:00April 9th, 2016|Julian Caballero|

Good and Evil

Image Source: The Flight Into Egypt Seneca shares with us in this quote his own perspective of Good and Evil. Seneca shifts how we define good and evil, but his definition doesn't really embrace the experience of pain. "But why," you ask, "does God sometimes allow evil to befall good men?" Assuredly he does not. [...]

2019-10-05T16:57:57-08:00March 20th, 2016|Quotes|

A young man named Pan

Source: Sharon Kopriva, Riding the Pisces Moon   A young man named Pan who was from an unpopular part of the country was taking part in a class which was prone to very heated debates. For the most part Pan remained silent but when he did speak his questions were for the sake of [...]

2019-10-05T16:57:58-08:00May 14th, 2015|Poetry|